Welcome to MCCOYS COPPER PINT PUBLIC WAITLIST! Here, you can view how many parties are currently waiting, conveniently add yourself to the list in the comforts of your home and monitor your place in line from anywhere. Once you're added, you will receive a text message with a link directly to the waitlist where you can see updates. Please make your way to the restaurant as you near the top of the list. We ask you wait in your car until we text you that your table is ready. Please respect our 90 min table limits.
The restaurant has open availability if you see "no parties waiting". If so, please enter and check in with the host upon arrival to confirm open seats.
**At&t cellular guests, the area is known to have poor reception from your provider. If you do not receive a text message, please feel free to send one member of your party to check in with the host.
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